現在進行式Present continuous (I am doing)

形式:Am/is/are+ -ing is the present continuous
A. Study this example situation: (閱讀例句)

Sarah is in her car. She is on her way to work.
→Sarah在車子裡. 她在要往工作的路上

She is driving to work.
This means: she is driving now, at the time of speaking.
The action is not finished.

Be動詞Am/is/are+ -ing is the present continuous就是現在進行式
I am (= I’m) driving
He/she/it is (=he’s etc.) working
We/you/they are (we’re etc.) doing etc.

B. I am doing something = I’m in the middle of doing it; I’ve started doing it and I haven’t finished yet:

Please don’t make so much noise. I’m trying to work. (not I try)
請不要製造那麼多噪音。我要做工作。(已經在工作,而且要繼續做下去。並不是I try,我才開始要做)

Where’s Mark?’ ‘He’s having a shower. (not He has a shower)
〝Mark在哪?〞‘他正在洗澡’(他正在洗澡當中,並不是he has a shower,他已經洗澡)

Let’s go out now. It isn’t raining any more. (not It doesn’t rain)
我們現在出去吧。沒有在下雨了。(現在已經沒有在下雨了,等下也可能不會下雨,並不是It doesn’t rain,只表示這個時間點沒下雨)

(at a party) Hello, Jane. Are you enjoying the party? (not Do you enjoy)
(在派對中) 哈囉,Jane. 你喜歡這的派對嗎?(正在派對中,正在詢
問Jane,而不是Do you enjoy,可能是在派對後,詢問對方喜歡嗎,只

What’s all that noise? What’s going on? (= What’s happening?)

The action is not necessarily happening at the time of speaking. For example:

Steve is talking to a friend on the phone. He says:
“I’m reading a really good book at the moment. It’s about a man who…”


Steve is not reading the book at the time of speaking.
He means that he has started it, but has not finished it yet.
He is in the middle of reading it.


Some more examples:
Kate wants to work in Italy, so she’s learning Italian. (but perhaps she isn’t learning Italian at the time of speaking)

Some friends of mine are building their own house. They hope to finish it next summer
我的一些朋友自己蓋房子,他們希望下個夏天完成 (building也是指他們已經開始在蓋且正在蓋當中,還沒完成)

C. You can use the present continuous with today / this week / this year etc. (periods around now):你可以使用現在進行式與today/this week/this year …等共用


A: You’re working hard today. (not You work hard today)
B: Yes, I have a lot to do


The company I work for isn’t doing so well this year.

D. We use the present continuous when we talk about changes happening around now, especially with these verbs:
get change become increase rise fall grow improve begin start

Is your English getting better? (not Does your English get better)
你的英文有比較好了嗎? (意指你的英文現在有做了些改變了嗎?)

The population of the world is increasing very fast. (not increases)
世界上的人口增加的非常快 (increasing,意指現在增加當中)

At first I didn’t like my job, but I’m beginning to enjoy it now. (not I begin)

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