法語發音入門新班 4月6日開課 (ANL公益校 04-23012633 )
WEEK 1-LEÇON 1 線上學法語第一週第一堂課
Is there anything wrong with these 2 sentences in English: “is going to Paris”? And this one: “drank water”. Obviously, something is definitely missing in both sentences. Can you guess what? Yes, you’re right: they have no SUBJECTS and you feel tempted to ask “Who drank water?”, “Who is going to Paris?” In French, either, you just can’t say: “s’en va à Paris” or “a bu de l’eau”. They will sound incomplete and somebody will be tempted to ask: “Qui s’en va à Paris?” “Qui a bu de l’eau?” (Qui=Who). That’s why we will begin our first chapter by Les Pronoms Personnels (Sujets) (subject pronouns/personal pronouns), which are one of the basic components of a sentence. They are inevitable, so we should study them first. (Future lessons will be made on the assumption that you already know them!).
Les Pronoms Personnels Pluriels Personnels Singuliers | Plural Subject Pronouns Singular Subject | Pronombres Personales Plurales Singulares | ||
1ère personne |
Yo | ||
2ème personne |
Tú – Usted | ||
3è personne |
Él/Ella | ||
Les Pronoms Personnels Pluriels | Plural Subject Pronouns | Pronombres Personales Plurales | ||
1ère personne |
Nosotros | ||
2ème personne |
Vosotros – Ustedes | ||
3è personne |
Ellos/Ellas |
Un exemple
Je parle français. (I speak French/ (Yo) hablo francés)
Tu parles français (You speak French/ (Tú) hablas francés)
Il/Elle parle français. (He/She speaks French. (Él/Ella) habla francés)
Nous parlons français. (We speak French/ (Nosotros) hablamos francés)
Vous parlez français. ( You speak French/(Vosotros) habláis francés)
Ils parlent français. (They speak French/ (Ellos/Ellas) hablan francés)
ANL艾而歐語公益校 台中市西區公益路161號1樓之4 tel:04-23012633
ANL艾而歐語東海校 台中縣龍井鄉台中港路一段7-62號2樓 tel:04-26313966